| | | FEATURE: State of Internet Marketing - 2011 Predictions Author: Bruce Clay
| | As we entered 2010, we discussed how change is accelerating. Yes, every week, if not every day, this is a new industry. But we anticipate several changes that look to be great predictions for 2011. Yet again, it is time to dust off the crystal ball and expound on the next year. 2010 was a year of implementation in the areas of intent and behavior-based search results. We also saw the widespread implementation -- and rapid change at that -- of the local results influencing the search results page. Anticipating the direction that many of these changes would take, we performed a great many research projects and developed products focused on this area. Not at all surprisingly, these areas greatly broadened the focus of the company. 
| | BACK TO BASICS: Understanding International Search and Australia Author: Jessica Lee | | International search. It's an expansive issue that some people may not fully understand. However, it's important to grasp the topic on a basic level because the Internet is transforming the way the world does business. FFrom the United States to China, hundreds of countries not only participate in the Internet, but are also beginning to harness the power of online marketing. This presents more opportunities to market products and services worldwide. In this Part 1 Back to Basics on international search, global trends will help clarify Internet usage and online marketing, and Bruce Clay Australia gives insight into search marketing from their perspective. 
| | INTERNATIONAL: SEO Cloaking Techniques to Avoid in 2011 Author: Richard Bedford, Bruce Clay Australia | | Head of Google Web Spam, Matt Cutts, took time away from Ozzie and Emmy (The Matt Cutts "Catts") at the end of 2010 to post a little titbit for Webmasters and SEOs via Twitter, which I'm sure added to the hangovers for a few Black Hats over the holiday season. Google will [look] more at cloaking in Q1 2011. Not just, page content matters; avoid different headers/redirects to Googlebot instead of users. Cloaking is the technique used to present different content, layout, functionality or headers (a completely different page or partial components of the page, known as Mosaic cloaking) to a search engine spider than to a user's Web browser. Unfortunately, some webmasters may not understand the repercussions, and inadvertently cloak content, links or entire websites without even realising. This article outlines some of the common on-site functionality that may be (mis)interpreted as cloaking-spam. 
| | Hot Topics Jump-Start Your Internet Marketing in 2011 Developments in search and Internet usage worldwide continue to remind us that we simply cannot ignore online marketing as part of the business plan. Bruce Clay's feature article in this month's edition of the SEO Newsletter gives us some insight into areas of online marketing that are gaining speed and what to look out for in 2011. This includes the emergence of Internet marketing optimization as a whole, with a focus on not just one facet of online marketing, but a holistic approach. From search engine marketing and conversion rate optimization to social media optimization, local search and analytics, a healthy online marketing plan consists of many parts. Before professionals can begin to wrap their heads around this massive undertaking, they must first commit to making it a goal. Internet Marketing Optimization: Where to Begin? It may or may not come as a surprise that small businesses and large corporations alike are still grappling with a healthy mix of more traditional marketing efforts and online marketing. But, with the recession in recent years, many businesses are finding investing in online efforts makes more dollars and sense. In some cases, it's the only way some businesses have been able to survive hard financial times. Monies leftover in 2010 budgets and spend planned for 2011 should absolutely factor Internet marketing in as an area of focus. Those that are new to online marketing should realize that one of the first steps is training. Training is available from many sources, from professional online courses and in-person SEO training to industry conferences and various resources online. Choosing the right training depends on level of commitment, time availability, budget and access. Professional online training courses can be a great way for people to learn at their own speed, especially if they are in a remote area and cannot attend in-person training. In-person SEO training gives a more hands-on personal approach to learning Internet marketing. This approach can be a great investment for people who want one-on-one time with experts to ask questions relative to their own scenarios. In the search industry, annual conferences can be a great way for people to learn the basics, brush up on their skills and network with leaders in their fields. Online resources are great for staying up on changes in between attending training courses and conferences. These include industry blogs, news sites, how-to videos, webinars and more. In a recent post on the Bruce Clay, Inc. blog, 3 Ways to Boost Your In-House Internet Marketing in 2011: Part 1 it discusses several options for Internet marketing training both online and in-person. | | | Shuffles David Zinman, Yahoo's VP and GM for display advertising, departed the company this month. The company says the move is unrelated to the reorganization last month. Shortly after Verizon announced they would be carrying the iPhone, Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced he would be taking a medical leave of absence to focus on his health. Goldman Sachs (GS) invested $500 million in Facebook, feeding speculation that 2012 might lead to an IPO for the social network. MySpace laid off 47% of its workforce, yet insists that its outlook is quite rosy. MySpace's CEO called it a "significant organizational restructuring that will ... impact about 500 employees." Google hired two former SEOs Pierre Far and Gary Illyes, both well-known in the marketing community. Usability queen Kim Krause Berg joined LiBeck Integrated Marketing.  | Aussie Googlers Kate Vale (Google's first Australian employee) and Lars Rasmussen (Maps/Wave) left the company in late 2010. Rasmussen, after Google's decision to can Wave, left to join Facebook after a personal pitch from Mark Zuckerberg. Vale still to announce where she'll end up, although hinted she'd be interested in working at Facebook too. | | | | Shindigs SMX West in March is still accepting speaking pitches, closing on January 20. This is your final warning. Now is also the time to plan your speaker pitches for SES New York (first round ends January 21). Early bird registration for SES New York ends Friday, January 21 as well. Use code: 20BRU for 20 percent off your ticket price. Search geeks who want to attend SMX West should enter the Biggest Search Geek Contest sponsored by Marin Software. The contest is open to U.S. and U.K. residents. You have until February 18 to test your geek skills. If you're not throwing your hat in the ring, you can always register to attend using our 10 percent discount code: smx10bruceclay. DOMAINfest in Santa Monica, Calif., is right around the corner, from February 1 to February 3. The conference is an Internet marketing event directed at domainers (those who buy and sell domains). Southern California is also host to SES San Diego from February 22 to February 25, with the main event occurring on the 25th. Those looking for in-house or in-person training for Internet marketing have several options this year. Aside from the nine search marketing-focused conferences hosted across the United States, Bruce Clay, Inc. holds SEO training worldwide. One-day SEO training is available at conferences for 2011 as follows: - SMX West (West Coast): March 11
- SES New York: March 25
- SMX Toronto: April 27
- SMX Advanced: June 9
- SES San Francisco: August 19
- SMX East (East Coast): September 16
- SES Chicago: November 14
Bruce Clay, Inc.'s classroom-based SEO training for 2011 continues with a busy year. The company's Student Loyalty Program is extended through the first quarter of 2011 for American students. In the U.S., the newly updated SEOToolSet® standard and advanced training and certification dates for 2011 have been announced. The first West Coast course begins January 17, with several others thoughout the year. Take your pick of 8 courses across the United States: California Training 2011 - January 17-21
- March 14-18
- May 16-20
- July 11-15
- September 19-23
- November 14-18
The dates for NY Training 2011 will be announced later this year. East Coast students will be able to chose from two sessions during the year.  | Bruce Clay Australia will be holding the next 3 Day SEO Training in Sydney: - April 4th, 5th and 6th, 2011
One Day Training dates for 2011 have also been announced: - Sydney - February 23rd, 2011
- Melbourne - March 2nd, 2011
- Sydney - June 15th, 2011
|  | Ad:tech Sydney will run on March 9 and 10 for the benefit of marketing and advertising executives. SMX Sydney will be held on April 14 and 15 for anyone in the online or search marketing field. |  | SEO training goes to Europe in the first-ever Bruce Clay, Inc. corso SEO on March 1 and March 2 in Milan, Italy. The course, taught in English by Bruce Clay and co-hosted by Bruce Clay Italia, is open to all international students. For more information in English, French, Italian, Russian or Spanish, contact the Bruce Clay Italia offices at +39 02 3809 3525 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. GMT +1 Berlin time. | | | | Word on the Wire Auto-generated content is very firmly against the AdSense TOS. Google laid down the law in a Fact vs. Fiction post on their AdSense blog. Consumer Affairs published a report on what Facebook might not want you to know as it gets ready to go public. Google and Bing grew in search share in December. Yahoo suffered in comparison. The new social question site Quora drew attention at the beginning of the year. Search Engine Land asked why that was, in an attempt to discover the appeal of the service. | | |          | | |