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February 18, 2011 Facebook
Facebook Articles Facebook 'Sponsored Stories' Ads Take Hold [Gallery] Levi's, 1-800-Flowers.com, and Amnesty International are early brand purchasers. Christopher Heine | Social Media | Full story | Print version Facebook's Makeover Kills Tabs, But Sales Should Live On Shopping app developer says most transactions start in the newsfeed, not the tabs. Christopher Heine | Social Media | Full story | Print version Discovery Corrals 25M on Facebook Without 'Like-Gating' Cable giant has increased Facebook audience by 500 percent while focusing on content and engagement. Christopher Heine | Entertainment | Full story | Print version Indie Film 'Likes' Facebook Ads, Achieves 2% CTR A close look at how "Certifiably Jonathan" ads have been targeted on the social site. Christopher Heine | Social Media | Full story | Print version Facebook Hires Republican Party Insider Katie Harbath has been hired to beef up Facebook's Washington, D.C.-based political outreach team. Kate Kaye | Politics & Advocacy | Full story | Print version Carolyn Everson Leaves Microsoft for Facebook Ad sales hire could be a coup for Facebook as it looks to heighten big brand relationships. Christopher Heine | Social Media | Full story | Print version Taco Bell Beefs Up Facebook 'Likes' - With Leftovers Effort brought in an estimated 250K new "likes," but may have left 4M free tacos on the table. Christopher Heine | Social Media | Full story | Print version Facebook Places Pleases SMBs, Groupon Doesn't Study says most local merchants that have tested group-buying platforms do not plan to repeat. Christopher Heine | Social Commerce | Full story | Print version American Express Offers Five Free iTunes on Facebook Campaign involves Facebook.com ads, Promoted Tweets, and banners on music sites. Christopher Heine | Social Media | Full story | Print version RSS | App Today's News Articles Today's Experts Columns Webcasts Upcoming Events White Papers
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