| Breaking Wanamaker's Curse: Measuring Impact Through Controlled Experiments Thursday, March 17 @ 1:00pm EDT / 10:00am PDT FREE Webcast | Register now! Advertisers are fond of John Wanamaker's quote, "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted - I just don't know which half." This line gets repeated so often that it is easy to forget that Wanamaker uttered it a century ago. How is it that in spite of the incredible scientific and technological boom since Wanamaker's time - penicillin, DNA, space flight, quantum mechanics, the Internet - his puzzlement remains as relevant today as it was then? And what can advertisers do about it? In this webinar, Duncan Watts principal research scientist at Yahoo! will review some of the difficulties of determining advertising effectiveness, and describe some promising recent advances at Yahoo! using online randomized experiments. | | Presenter | | Duncan Watts Research Scientist Yahoo! | Moderator | | Mike Grehan Global VP Content SES/Search Engine Watch/ClickZ | | |