
ClickZ Weekly: On Social Media, Most People Don't Want to Be Heard

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March 7-11, 2011
Experts Weekly
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Monday, Mar 7
On Social Media, Most People Don't Want to Be Heard
Seven ways to encourage social media contributions.
Heidi Cohen  |  Actionable Analysis  |  Full story  |  Print version

The Missed Opportunity With Mobile
Focusing entirely on the "out and about" consumer misses a significant opportunity.
Jeremy Lockhorn  |  Trends  |  Full story  |  Print version

Handling Spam Complaints: Suspect Messages
Identify and address the issues causing people to report your e-mail as spam to improve your long-term relationship with those on your list. Part four in a four-part series.
Jeanne Jennings  |  E-mail Marketing  |  Full story  |  Print version

Finding Great Keywords With Google Analytics
Your golden keywords are already performing for you. You just need to find them.
Ron Jones  |  Search Marketing 101  |  Full story  |  Print version

Where Marketing Starts in Automation Approaches
Marketers who want to optimize their automation investments must consider the entire scope of the marketing department functionality in setting up and managing the solution.
Stephanie Miller  |  Marketing Automation  |  Full story  |  Print version

Online Advertising Goes Open Source
A Q&A with Chris Davey, senior vice president and managing director of SapientNitro.
Mike Baker  |  Networks & Exchanges  |  Full story  |  Print version

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Live Webinar: Increase Email Subscriber Engagement
Are your email campaigns breaking through to the inbox? Learn how leading brands such as The Gap, InterContinental Hotels Group, Brookstone, Hautelook and United Airlines use compelling campaigns to increase email subscriber engagement and deliverability.

Key Things You Will Learn:
• How to develop unique and valuable content and offers
• New creative designs that interest and motivate
• Ways to incent subscribers to provide preferences

Register Today
Tuesday, Mar 8
Tweeting the Path Toward Social Change
Can Twitter chats make a difference? A look at a recent experiment in Latino and African-American cause marketing.
Giovanni Rodriguez  |  Marketing to Latinos  |  Full story  |  Print version

10 Ways Brands Can Target Moms by Fusing Online Advertising and Social Media
Want to engage moms? You have to start by giving her what she wants, keeping her entertained, and making it personal.
Hollis Thomases  |  Media Planning  |  Full story  |  Print version

Making the E-mail Channel Less Myopic
E-mail marketers need to define an online contact strategy that takes into consideration not just e-mail activity, but overall engagement with a brand.
Ryan Deutsch  |  Advanced E-mail Marketing  |  Full story  |  Print version

I Can't Think of Anything to Write
For people who think their product is boring, answer this: if your product is so boring, how is it that you get anyone to buy it?
Sage Lewis  |  SEM  |  Full story  |  Print version

Building multiple brands on Facebook can be easier than it looks.
Learn how to build your business on Facebook across multiple brands and locations.
Download white paper.
Wednesday, Mar 9
Build Your Reach With QR Codes
Using QR codes in your offline marketing will allow you to leverage your investment in offline media to build your online reach.
Mike Hotz  |  B2B E-mail Marketing  |  Full story  |  Print version

Organizing an SEO-Driven Social Media Strategy for Large Enterprises
Use a centralized dashboard and consolidate your social clutter to get better control of your social landscape and get direct assistance from your community in creating buzz.
Crispin Sheridan  |  SEO  |  Full story  |  Print version

Customer Experience - Your Most Important Optimization
A good faith effort, continuity, and consistency in brand interactions throughout the entire customer experience will return generously to your business.
Robin Neifield  |  Strategies  |  Full story  |  Print version

Campaign Targeting Data and Target Audiences
The differences between declared data and observed data and how they can effectively be used to reach target audiences.
Rob Graham  |  Behavioral Marketing  |  Full story  |  Print version

Thursday, Mar 10
In-App Purchases Driving Top Grossing Apps
It's all about giving consumers options so that every segment of the population can be a satisfied, paying customer.
Rob Weber  |  App Economy  |  Full story  |  Print version

E-mail Is Social
E-mail should be working hand in hand with other digital messaging channels and each channel should complement and leverage the strength of the other.
Simms Jenkins  |  E-mail Marketing Best Practices  |  Full story  |  Print version

Online Marketing: The New Word of Mouth
As Tax Day approaches, there are a number of tools service providers can deploy to be part of the conversation when the client is ready to buy.
Jonathan Shapiro  |  Integrated Marketing  |  Full story  |  Print version

From Facebook to Twitter: Save Your Community From Redundancy
By understanding the nuances of each platform's digital culture, you can create unique and relevant content, speak the right language, and effectively grow both communities.
Caroline Chen  |  Community Management  |  Full story  |  Print version

The Trouble With Cookies Persists
A new study by comScore finds that current cookie measurement systems overstate the number of users by over 2.5 times.
Tessa Wegert  |  Media Buying  |  Full story  |  Print version

SMB Social Analysis – Can Money Buy You Friends?
Do brands with a higher number of "likes" get more recognition? Would these "likes" really deliver increased engagement? Here is an experiment to find out.
Gregg Stewart  |  SMB  |  Full story  |  Print version

Becoming the Digital Decision Maker
How to gain, improve, and be fulfilled in online marketing careers.
Aaron Kahlow  |  Careers  |  Full story  |  Print version

Friday, Mar 11
The Mobile Magic Wand
A look at the portable game system, the portable video player, and the new remote control, and how they will impact mobile marketing.
Jason Dempsey  |  Mobile Marketing  |  Full story  |  Print version

New Uses for Online Communities
How Reddit is turning communities into creation engines.
Gary Stein  |  What's the Buzz?  |  Full story  |  Print version

Beware the Shiny Object
It's important to add new tricks to your repertoire, but not at the expense of overall client performance.
Andrew Goodman  |  Paid Search  |  Full story  |  Print version

12 Insider Techniques to Increase White Paper Leads
If your website doesn't treat your white paper as containing valuable information, your visitors won't either.
Bryan Eisenberg  |  ROI Marketing  |  Full story  |  Print version

This week from ClickZ.asia
Tips for Successful Integration of Paid Search With SEO
Follow these steps to kick-start a comprehensive search integration strategy.
Antony Yiu  |  March 7, 2011  |  SEM  |  Full story

Getting Your Digital Marketing Basics Right
To avoid leaving a trail of badly executed digital debris, here's three back to basics tips to consider.
Patrick Tam  |  March 8, 2011  |  Trends  |  Full story

Relevancy, Reputation, and Engagement: The Evolution of E-mail Delivery Management
When four in five e-mails sent globally are estimated to be spam, how do you ensure your messaging is relevant? Here are five ways.
Dominic Powers  |  March 8, 2011  |  Email  |  Full story

Revisiting the Funnel – A Practical Application
Applying the funnel to an American airline that uses paid search to drive demand to its booking engine across Asia.
Hari Shankar  |  March 9, 2011  |  Analytics  |  Full story

Lessons From a Shareaholic
Understand what motivates consumers to share on social media and how to unlock their influence for your brand by considering these three factors.
Brandon Cheung  |  March 10, 2011  |  Social Media  |  Full story

A Pragmatic Mobile Communication Strategy for Retailers in Asia
Mobile marketing firms might have released novel technologies and solutions but here are three well-tested tactics retailers could engage consumers and meet revenue targets through mobile.
Darren Yan  |  March 11, 2011  |  Integrated Marketing  |  Full story

A U.S. DSP Seeks Its Fortunes in Asia
Texas-based Simpli.fi joins a small wave of firms testing audience-based ad buying in China and neighboring markets.
Adaline Lau  |  March 11, 2011  |  Australia  |  Full story

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